Can You Help Me With This Story?

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Staff member
I remember reading an historical account of a man who was warned before meeting with a church official to observe whether the official got up out of his chair in order to greet the man. If the official did not rise to greet him then he would know whether he was a friend of protestantism or an enemy.

Can anyone help me with the details????
Humph. It is right there in my head I can't pull it up. Seems like it had something to do with the Reformation in England.
Humph. It is right there in my head I can't pull it up. Seems like it had something to do with the Reformation in England.

This sounds right. I think the account might be in one of d'Aubigne's works. (Which I don't have)
Sorry KMK, I've been playing with various word combinations on Google hoping for some kind of hit. But no dice so far. Interestingly, using the words "d'Aubigne warned meeting chair" returned a hit to the Puritanboard, specifically this thread :)

Can you remember anything else? Better key words perhaps?
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