Charles H.Spurgeon that grand and godly minister of Christ

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One time a man went up to the great English preacher Charles Spurgeon and said, "Mr. Spurgeon, I've read my Bible through twenty times on my knees and I haven't found the doctrine of election once." Spurgeon replied, "No wonder, reading in such an uncomfortable position, at such a fast pace, it's a wonder you've noticed anything in the book! May I suggest that you sit down and read more slowly."
"I have heard of Latter-day Saints; I far more admire Every-day Saints".
C.H.S.:"Thus Saith The Lord"

"...When men cite the authority of fathers,and councils,and bishops,we give place for subjection,no,not for an hour.They may quote Irenaeus or Cyprian,Augustine or Chrysostom;they may remind us of the dogmas of Luther or Calvin;they may find authority in Simeon,or Wesley,or Gill--we will listen to the opinions of these great menwith the respect which they deserve as men,but having so done,we deny that we have anything to do with these men as authorities in the Church of God,for there nothing has any authority,but 'Thus saith the lord of hosts.'Yea,if you shall bring us the concurrent consent of all tradition--if you shall quote precedents venerable with fifteen,sixteen,or seventeen centuries of antiquity,we burn the whole as so much worthless lumber,unless you put your finger upon the passage of Holy Writ which warrants the matter to be of God."
"The Cripple At Lystra"

"I have not shunned to declare unto any of you the whole counsel of God.When I have known any vice,or any folly--Which of you have I been afraid of,or before whom of you all have I trembled?God is my witness;him I have served in the spirit;and if these turn aside unto their crooked ways,they have not done it without well knowing the consequences;nay,they have not done it without being warned and entreated,and persuaded to look unto Jesus Christ...May my Master teach me how to address you if I do not know how to grasp the words of simplicity,tenderness,of terrible apprehension,but of persuasive power.If there were any words in any language that would melt you,this tongue is at your service to utter them.If there is any form of speech,though it should make me to be called vulgar,and subject me to the shame and hissing which I once endured,if the furnace could be heated seven times hotter than that,I would but laugh at it if I might but win your souls.Tell me,sirs,how shall I put the case?Would you have argument?I wish that I could reason with you.Would you have tears?There,let them flow!Ye dry eyes,why do ye not weep more for these perishing souls?Would you have God's Word without my word?Sirs,I would read it,and let my tongue be dumb if that would teach you.Would my death save you?That God who seeth in secret knoweth that tonight it were a joy to me to enter into my rest,and so it were little for me to talk of being willing to give a life for you,and it were,indeed,but a trifle to me.Oh!why will ye perish?Why should I plead with you,and you not care for yourselves?What is it that besets you?Poor moths!Are ye dazzled with the flames?Are ye not content to have singed your wings?Must they also consume body and soul?How can ye make your bed in hell?How can ye abide with eternal burnings?In the name of Jesus of Nazareth,I command you--for I can do no less--I command you to turn to him and live.Believe on him and you shall be saved.But remember,at your hazard you reject the message tonight.It may be the last message that shall ever come to your soul with power..."

by Charles H. Spurgeon

"Believers in Christ's atonement are now in declared union with those who make light of it; believers in Holy Scripture are in confederacy with those who deny plenary inspiration; those who hold Evangelical doctrine are in open alliance with those who call the Fall a fable, who deny the personality of the Holy Ghost, who call justification by faith, immoral, and hold that there is another probation after death.... Yes, we have before us the wretched spectacle of professedly orthodox Christians publicly avowing their union with those who deny the faith, and scarcely concealing their contempt for those who cannot be guilty of such gross disloyalty to Christ. To be plain, we are unable to call these things Christian unions, they begin to look like confederacies in evil.... It is our solemn conviction that where there can be no real spiritual communion there should be no pretense of fellowship. Fellowship with known and vital error is participation in sin."

Sounds like a timely warning for our day!
"Public Prayer"From:"Lectures to My...


"Another fault equally to be avoided in prayer is an unhallowed and sickening superabundance of endearing words.When 'Dear Lord,'and 'Blessed Lord,'and 'Sweet Lord,' come over and over again as vain repetitions,they are among the worst of blots...when I hear fond and familiar expressions hackneyed by persons not at all remarkable for spirituality,I am inclined to wish that they could,in some way or other,come to a better understanding of the true relation existing between man and God.
"The strongest objection exists to the constant repetition of the word 'Lord,'which occurs in the early prayers of young converts,and even among students.The words,'O Lord !O Lord !O Lord ! grieve us when we hear them so perpetually repeated.'Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain,'is a great commandment,and although the law may be broken unwittingly,yet its breach is still a sin and a very solemn one.God's name is not to be a stop-gap to make up for our want of words.Take care to use most reverently the name of the infinite Jehovah."
Taken from A.W.Pink's book:profiting From The Word

Pink began :We profit from the Word when we make a proper discrimination between the promises of God.Many of the Lord's people are frequently guility of spiritual theft,by which we mean that they appropriate to themselves something to which they are not entitled,but which belongs to another.Spurgeon's quote:Certain covenant engagements,made with the Lord Jesus Christ,as to His elect and redeemed ones,are altogether without condition so far as we are concerned;but many other wealthy words of the Lord contain stipulations which must be carefully regarded,or we shall not obtain the blessing.One part of my reader's diligent search must be directed toward this most important point.God will keep His promise to thee;only see thou to it that the way in which He conditions His engagement is carefully observed by thee.Only when we fulfil the requirements of a conditional promise can we expect that promise to be fulfilled to us.
This is from "A Bad Excuse is Worse Than None"

'Sir,that doctrine of election troubles me and staggers me.If I knew I was one of the elect,I would trust Christ.' "That is --if God will show you his secrets,then you will do God's will,and so the Almighty is to bend to your conditions,and then you will do as He bids you!You will come to feast at the man's table,if he will take you into his secret closet,and show you all his treasure! He will do nothing of the kind.How foolish this talk is about election! The doctrine of election is a great and precious truth,but it never can be a valid reason for a man's not believing in Christ...I will tell you this,if you will not believe in Jesus Christ,you will be damned,be you who you may,but you will not be able to lay it at predestination's door;it will lie at your own...When men are hard-up for an excuse,they are glad to run to the mysteries of God to use them as a veil to cover their faces.O my dear friends,you must know that though God has a chosen people,yet when He commands you to believe in Christ,His having a chosen people cannot excuse you from obedience to the divine command:'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,and thou shalt be saved.'
Along the same lines...

This is from : " Election and Holiness "

There are some of you who are making an excuse out of the doctrine of Election , an excuse , an apology for your own unbelieving and wicked hearts . Now , remember , the doctrine of Election exercises no constraint whatever upon you . If you are wicked you are so because you will be so . If you reject the Saviour you do so because you will do so . The doctrine does not make you reject Him . You may make it an excuse , but it is an idle one ; it is a cobweb garment that will be rent away at the last day . I beseech you lay it aside ,...if you believe , you are saved . If you trust Christ , be you who you may , or what you may , the wide world over , you are a saved man . Do not say , " I will not believe because I do not know whether I am elected ." You cannot know that until you have believed . Your business is with believing ... If you trust Christ , your sins shall be forgiven , your iniquities blotted out . O may the Holy Spirit breathe the new life into you . Bowing the knee , I beseech you , kiss the Son lest He be angry . Receive His mercy now , steel not your hearts against the gracious influence of His love ; but yield to Him , and you shall then find that you yielded because He made you yield ; that you come to Him because he drew you ; and that He drew you because He had loved you with an everlasting love .
Purging Out The Leaven

Beloved , many a Christian man has not found out the sinfulness of some actions for years after his conversion . I am very conscious that certain matters which I thought very light of years ago would greatly trouble my conscience now . As I have obtained light upon certain sins I have through grace put them away , and I expect as long as I live to find something which , viewed in a brighter light , and from a higher standing , will be discovered to be sinful , and I desire grace to have done with it . We must not hesitate for a moment ; we must not retain even a crumb of the evil leaven ; we must earnestly desire to sweep it all out .
The Law Written On The Heart

It is a glorious thing when the heart delights itself in the law of the Lord , and finds therein its solace and pleasure . The law is fully written on the heart when a man takes pleasure in holiness , and feels a deep pain whenever sin approaches him . Oh , my dear friend , the Lord has done great things for you when every evil thing is obnoxious to you . Even though you fall into sin through the infirmity of your flesh , yet if it causes you intense agony and sorrow it is because God has written His Law in your heart . Even though you cannot be as holy as you want to be , yet if the ways of holiness are your pleasure , if they are the very element in which you live as much as the fish lives in the sea , then you are the subject of a very wonderful change of heart . It is not so much what you do as what you delight to do , which becomes the clearest test of your character .
The Holy Road

The way to heaven, if it be anything , is a way of holiness : and if the way we follow be not a holy way and a separated way , it is not God's way . If we follow not the way of distinction from the world , we are not following Christ . He that is not holy on the way will not come to that holy end where the thrice holy God reveals Himself in His glory . Brethren , if you are ever in a doubt about which is the right path , remember those words of the Saviour : " Straight is the gate , and narrow is the way , and few there be that find it . " Prefer strictness to laxity . Be it yours and mine , even if charged with bigotry and illiberality , still to select that way which the saints of old have chosen , unpleasing to the flesh , but pleasing to God , the straight and narrow road which leadeth unto life eternal .
Christ Put On

You , dear friend , have a special personality ; you are such a person that there is not another exactly like you , and you are placed in circumstances sp peculiar that no one else is tried exactly as you are ; --- to you , then , is this exhortation sent : " Put on the Lord Jesus Christ . " It is absolutely certain , that for you , with your personal singularity , and peculiar circumstances , there can be nothing better than that you array yourself in this more than royal robe .
All The Day Long

This quote deals with the text of Proverebs 23:17,18

Let not thine heart envy sinners : but be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long . For surely there is an end ; and thine expectation shall not be cut off .

Be it so : but let not his prosperity grieve you . There is something better to live for than mere money-making . If your life pleases God , let it please you . Never envy the ungodly . Suppose God allows them to succeed-- what then ? You should no more envy them than you envy fat bullocks the ribbons which adorn them at a show . They are ready for the slaughter . Do you wish yourself in their place ? The fate of the prosperous sinner is one to be dreaded : he is set on high to be cast down .
"Better that Scotland were hacked by Claverhouse for cleaving to the Lord, than that she should be flattered by infidels for her gradual departure from the faith. Let not the blood of the Covenanters be spilt in vain......I am glad you are writing on Scots Worthies. Oh, that Scotland may stand fast in this evil day!" - C.H.Spurgeon. . . .Probably to Andrew Bonar.
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