Cheap Razors

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Puritan Board Post-Graduate
After reading the other thread on electric razors, I decided to start a new topic.

Which razors do you use? I use Gillette pro-glide, but they are getting too expensive. Between my face and head, they only last two or three shaves.

I am in seminary. I need cheap.
I use Schick disposable razors (STs, I believe, is the designation), which are twin bladed. The "green" kind (for sensitive skin) gives a good, smooth, comfortable shave. I have tried the Bic disposable before (Bics are super cheapo, btw), but they are single blades and nick me virtually every time I use one. I almost never get a nick from the Schick razors.
How long do they last? I tried Gillette's disposables and it can't make it through one shaving. It becomes a pro-glide and mearly glides over the hair. :lol:
I can usually get several days out of the Schicks. It's hard to tell, as I don't shave every day (for example, I usually skip Mondays since I take the day off, and I probably won't shave today either since I'm not going anywhere). But I would guess you should get at least a week out of a razor, unless you have steel whiskers. :lol:
I can't remember what brand I use but I will check when I get home. I used to use the fancy Gillette ones too and liked them but you are correct they are way too expensive. I buy my razors at Wal-Mart and I buy the generic version of the Gillette ones. Personally, I can't use the super cheap, single-blade ones. They nick me. The ones I buy are cheap but still have two blades and that little gel strip thingy too. I shave every day and I have pretty thick stubble. I can usually get 5-7 uses out of each razor. They come about 8 to a pack and if I remember correctly they cost around $6 a pack.

That sounds really good. Even if I only get one shave per razor, I am still coming out better than with the expensive Gillettes. I might just have to go get a pack tonight.
I would as well if I could get away with it. Two problems though. 1. I can't grow a beard evenly to save my life and 2. the Army frowns upon facial hair for some reason.
You can get a shave profile which allows you to grow stubble for medical reasons or you can become a secret squirrel and grow a beard.
I would as well if I could get away with it. Two problems though. 1. I can't grow a beard evenly to save my life and 2. the Army frowns upon facial hair for some reason.

It's because a beard gets in the way of using a gas mask.

I'm getting ready to start using a safety razor (bottom price around $20) which use disposable blades (come in at around $6 for ten) which by all accounts will last the average shaver about a week per blade.
I usually buy whatever is cheap at WalMart - Current supply is Personna twin blades. Avoid the Bics - a good way to slash your face. The last Schick disposable twins that I bought had wobbly heads - supposedly a 'feature', but something that got them relegated them to my 'do not use' list.

Walmart used to have some good single blades from Personna, and before that Wilkinson with handles in various colors, but they were made in the US, so you can't get them any more. I'd really like to find a decent single again. I expect my blades to last at least a week, usually longer, but as noted on the other razor thread, I have a moustache, so I have less ground to cover than most.
I have been using the fusion from gillette. They are very expensive, but they last longer than any razor I have ever used. One razor last's about three weeks. The mach 3's used to last me about 1.
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