Choosing which church to visit . . .

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Presbyterians are a denomination, as are Baptists, Lutherans, Anglicans, etc.

Kim, you're not reading the source correctly. Different Presbyterians are in several denominations, but you originally said you met a Presbyterian who turned you off to that denomination, and Presbyterianism isn't a denomination.
I've been thinking recently that I would like to visit a presbyterian church sometime. I'm not presbyterian and don't know that I'll be "converting" anytime soon :lol:, but I really enjoy the emphasis on the doctrines of grace, sovereignty of God, covenant theology, singing inspired Psalms, etc. So next time my hubby and I are out of town, we might visit a church we're not exactly used to.

That being said, how can this born-and-bred baptist decode all the presbyterian code words to choose the right church to visit? To my mind growing up, all Presbyterians were lukewarm social-gospel baptismal regenerationists (I don't know where I got that idea):confused:. . . and I don't really want an experience in a church like that.

So, what should hubby and I look for when choosing a church to visit?:think:


I had a friends just move from Cali to Greenville a few years ago, so he's familiar with the Presbyterian churches in the area. He came from a baptist background, so I think his input would be valuable for you. He is a systematic sort of thinker, so he could tell you strengths/weaknesses (at least as he perceived them) about the different Presbyterian churches.

PM me if you want his email address. He just got married this past Friday in Venezuela, but I'm sure he'd still be glad to pass along his opinion. In the end, I would trust your husband's judgment in this matter (about visiting other churches). I'm confident God will grant him wisdom, if he asks for it.


Lots of good suggestions posted.

One general comprehensive list of denominations is the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC), and you can research the denomination and link to individual churches.

Member denominations would generally be presbyterian, reformed and biblical:

The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church

The Free Reformed Churches of North America

The Heritage Reformed Congregations

The Korean American Presbyterian Church

The Orthodox Presbyterian Church

The Presbyterian Church in America

The Reformed Church in the United States

The Reformed Church of Quebec (ERQ)

The Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America

The United Reformed Churches in North America

As for "decoding," terminology from a Baptist background, some of the new terms you may hear:

1) covenant (covenant people, covenant children)
2) priority of Lord's Day worship (fourth commandment/sabbath)
3) fencing the table (protecting the Lord's supper sacrament from non-believers or people with major unrepented sin)
4) regulative principle (especially in relation to corporate worship- are only those things specifically commanded in Scripture- Word, prayer, sacraments)
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In Greenville, I would invite you to visit the Greenville Presbyterian Church, pastored by Rev. Robert McCurley: - Greenville Presbyterian Church

I have heard Rev. McCurley preach many times, both here and in VA, and if you're into the doctrines of grace, covenant theology, the sovereignty of God and singing inspired psalms, then you would probably be very happy with your visit to that church. Rev. McCurley's congregation is thriving; he preaches the Gospel and Christ exalted. In my humble opinion, he is a wonderful Gospel preacher.


P. S. (I know, I said I wouldn't post anymore, but this isn't about me... I'm just trying to help Kim. :) )

:ditto: If you are in Greenville, the Free Church of Scotland Continuing with Rev. McCurley is definitely the church to check out. His preaching is very good!

I attended this church for years under the former pastor from the very beginning of its founding. Many of my friends are at the current congregation now, including at least one member of the PB that I know of.

Praise the LORD! It is a blessing to find this congregation. My family has just joined the church as members. It is a refugee on our pilgram's progress.
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