Puritan Board Freshman
Forgive my ignorance on the subject. I heard a young preacher say in the middle of his sermon that Christ on the cross suffered and died not as the God-man, but only as man. God could never suffer and die, thus Christ's suffereing and death were soley accomplished by His human nature. I had always believed that if Christ didn't suffer and die as the God-man, that we would still be in our sins.
Please tell me if you believe I have this incorrect. I know God cannot suffer and die, but I also believe that if he was not God in His suffering and death, then He could not have been the propitiation our sins. A man cannnot take away the sins of mankind, only the perfect God-man could do so.
Please forgive my muddled wording and thinking on this issue. I'd really like to know the scriptural basis for each position. Any advice would be appreciated.
Please tell me if you believe I have this incorrect. I know God cannot suffer and die, but I also believe that if he was not God in His suffering and death, then He could not have been the propitiation our sins. A man cannnot take away the sins of mankind, only the perfect God-man could do so.
Please forgive my muddled wording and thinking on this issue. I'd really like to know the scriptural basis for each position. Any advice would be appreciated.