Puritan Board Senior
I am doing a study of Think Biblically by John MacArthur and a question was raised on FB as to the benefit of Peacemakers. I responded with a quote from the book 'Think Biblically':
Page 25, 'Think Biblically', John MacArthur states: 'To suggest that the Word of God alone is insufficient is to espouse the very opinion that lies at the heart of virtually every cult that pretends to be Christian. The one thing nearly all of them have in common is the belief that people need the Bible plus something else--the writings of some "enlightened" prophet or seer, the edicts of church tradition, or the conclusions of sciende and secular philosophy. So, to deny the sufficiency of Scripture is to espouse an age-old heresy. But Scripture consistently teaches that the complete holiness of the believer is the work of the all-sufficient Word of God. John 17:17
So now I'm asking opinions of whether you would see extrabiblical books as beneficial and/or needed if Scripture is sufficient. I say this even as I am reading this really great book to clarify my own worldview! Please shine some light from your own experience and/or thoughts. Thanks for helping. I did notice that Westminster sells Peacemaker books by Ken Sande so does that put them on an approved list?
Page 25, 'Think Biblically', John MacArthur states: 'To suggest that the Word of God alone is insufficient is to espouse the very opinion that lies at the heart of virtually every cult that pretends to be Christian. The one thing nearly all of them have in common is the belief that people need the Bible plus something else--the writings of some "enlightened" prophet or seer, the edicts of church tradition, or the conclusions of sciende and secular philosophy. So, to deny the sufficiency of Scripture is to espouse an age-old heresy. But Scripture consistently teaches that the complete holiness of the believer is the work of the all-sufficient Word of God. John 17:17
So now I'm asking opinions of whether you would see extrabiblical books as beneficial and/or needed if Scripture is sufficient. I say this even as I am reading this really great book to clarify my own worldview! Please shine some light from your own experience and/or thoughts. Thanks for helping. I did notice that Westminster sells Peacemaker books by Ken Sande so does that put them on an approved list?