Comments on "Not Yet Married" By Segal?

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Or are there any other book recommendations for a singles Bible Study? We are blessed with an overabundance of single young men in our church. (I know!) They all want to find a spouse, but in the meantime are walking through the mine field of dating.
I have not read that book.

I have heard good things about the Sacred Search, but I have not read it either.

Holding Hands, Holding Hearts was mostly good. I especially appreciated the emphasis at the start on the most important and needful preparation for marriage: being godly. This book is basically a shorter version of what I read in Krabbendam's Shoulder to Shoulder (another good but difficult to read book; its shortcomings are how analytical it is and its idealization that could keep a young man or woman from choosing a realistic partner while in search of that ideal), and it is less analytical.

I greatly appreciated this sermon by Rev. Silversides, which gives the general principles (though it doesn't delve much into particulars; on the other hand, sometimes I think people focus so much on the particulars to induce decision paralysis):
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