Completely Free Online Reformed Seminary

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I've used a lot! It is great!

Here are some of my favorite motivational posters mocking the emergent church . . .




I know, I know . . . :offtopic:
Hello Everybody!

Hello larryjf!

Thank you for posting about The North American REFORMED Seminary. I've been lurking for about a month. I had to see if y'all were really reformed or just using the words. But with the things people were saying, I had to take the plunge and sign up to join the great discussions on PB, so this is my first post. I've been checking out the NARS website and the academics in particular. If someone got a degree from NARS, they would know more than the skulls-full-of-mush that most seminaries in America are turning out. They would be better theologians than Barth for sure, but I don't mean to insult NARS. I'm wrestling with signing up, because your program is good (yea, I know, if I start a sentence out with I again, I will sound like the choruses I have to suffer through at church).

I hate to bust everybody's bubble, but Seminary's are man's requirements, and not God's. I'm just a tent maker (just a cook, ma'am), but have gotten to do some incredible things with and for the church. (Deacon, Teach, VBS!) Yea, I could $work$ for the church, but you don't need a fancy degree to do it. The Pastor only gets 20 minutes on Sunday, but I get a whole hour to teach real Reformed Theology to a church that needs it. 60 minutes of solid stuff to fill their minds!

NARS older material is probably better than the new stuff, I mean, once you've studied the greats, why rework it? I was converted by reading the entire Bible (KJV). If a person does that, they will be way ahead of most in their knowledge of God. And that will lead someone into a great walk with God to grow and know Him better. Jer 9:24 "But let him that glorieth, glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me: for I am the Lord, which show mercy, judgment, and righteousness in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord."

Have fun with it and God Bless!
Just wanted to update everyone that the programs at TNARS have been revised to be a bit more rigorous. Plus we now incorporate some modern textbooks through the Bible Centre...that allows the student to read them online for free.
School Cost IS Too High

Please check out this post:

For someone who has been seeking a call, with no geographical limits to the search. I found those statements about going for less money okay providing there was the ability to live. I know one young man who came to seminary with $30K school debt for undergrad and after 7 years of school loans for his MDiv and PhD his debt load has to be over $100K so I think that the cost of the education must needs be brought into the equation.

How common is this problem? Why do we as Christians require students to go this deep into debt just to preach the gospel? If there is an area of reform it would seem to me that this would be a great place to start.

I agree with your suggestion that this is an area that needs to be addressed CHURCH wide. I have been blessed with military education benefits but many are not. I completed much of my undergraduate degree in religion while on Active Duty - which was paid for 100% - and used GI Bill benefits for a graduate degree in Church Ministry. Were it not for those benefits I may not have been able to formally prepare for ministry in a way suitable to most churches.

One the one hand we expect our Ministers to have graduate degrees from accredited Seminaries which are expensive but on the other hand most churches can not afford to provide a salary commensurate with the cost of student loan repayment and family provision.

Though I have degrees from an accredited and prominent Evangelical Seminary, I am not convinced that this is the only type of training that properly prepares ministers. There are many unaccredited but highly credible alternatives.

That being said, it has been my experience that church membership is much more pleased to follow after a leader who is clearly called and equipped according to the fruits of ministry - not the nature of the degrees on his wall...
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