Concerning My Blog, Looking for Feedback, and How to Promote or Get the Word Out

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Puritan Board Freshman
Dear friends, about a year ago I created a blog, here is the link: Presuppositionalism 101. It is dedicated to presuppositional apologetics, especially Dr. Van Til. What think ye of it? How can I promote my blog, or get the word out? I am somewhat disappointed because I do not get many "hits" per day, I have often felt my efforts are in vein. What am I doing wrong? Any hints or suggestions? I know it needs more content, and is hardly "finished", but still.
I like pictures. Maybe set a goal of a picture or illustration for every post? I see you have some, already.
I like the website, thanks for sharing it with us. One suggestion would be a different appearance. I have a hard time reading the dark pages with light print and so I tend to frequent those less often. Also, the picture suggestion would be good.

Where did you get the picture with VanTil at the chalkboard? Very nice.
Hi Andrew,

I like reading blogs and read a great many.

The thing I notice with your blog is that the content is good, it is fairly well written but what doesn't strike me is "this is important for me to know". Thats the step your missing out on, in my opinion. Try going that extra step and relating things more strongly to the readers. That way, they will stick around rather than popping in learning some stuff and never coming back.
I agree with the dark background. I don't think a lot of people can read that. As far as getting the word out, you just have to advertise a lot. That can come in the form of commenting elsewhere on the internet and providing a link to your blog, including it in the signature on whatever website you're on, email signature, and so on. Really, that's the only way you can get the word out. With so much content on the internet, people aren't just going to stumble on a website. It takes some effort to ensure you'll get hits.
I like pictures. Maybe set a goal of a picture or illustration for every post? I see you have some, already.

Great suggestion, I've added some pictures today (and gave the entire blog a new look), and have some different ideas for future pictures. I might even design custom charts in the future. Thank you for the advice. :)
I like the website, thanks for sharing it with us. One suggestion would be a different appearance. I have a hard time reading the dark pages with light print and so I tend to frequent those less often. Also, the picture suggestion would be good.

Where did you get the picture with VanTil at the chalkboard? Very nice.

Thank you for the compliments and the suggestion, which I took to heart. Please take a peek at the new design and colors and let me know what you think. :) The picture of Van Til in front of the chalkboard is embedded from this article: Westminster Theological Seminary -
Try posting more frequently. Also, if you have Facebook and a lot of friends, link to each post from Facebook. It helps a lot.
I agree with the dark background. I don't think a lot of people can read that. As far as getting the word out, you just have to advertise a lot. That can come in the form of commenting elsewhere on the internet and providing a link to your blog, including it in the signature on whatever website you're on, email signature, and so on. Really, that's the only way you can get the word out. With so much content on the internet, people aren't just going to stumble on a website. It takes some effort to ensure you'll get hits.

I sent a message to the "Apologetics315" website several days ago, but I have not heard back from them. I pointed out the links to the Van Til PDF's in the download section and gave permission to link if only they will include a link to the homepage of my blog. The Van Til section on their site is lacking, and it's a shame in my opinion, that the greatest Christian apologist in the history of the Church gets so little attention.
Hi Andrew,

I like reading blogs and read a great many.

The thing I notice with your blog is that the content is good, it is fairly well written but what doesn't strike me is "this is important for me to know". Thats the step your missing out on, in my opinion. Try going that extra step and relating things more strongly to the readers. That way, they will stick around rather than popping in learning some stuff and never coming back.

Hello Alastair,

Thank you for your input, it is appreciated. I agree that I could and probably should put more effort into explaining the pragmatic applications of the content. I suspect most of my readers will be the "choir", but I have plans on ruffling a few feathers, when for example, I post Van Til's thoughts on C.S. Lewis and Karl Barth. Among other things, I would also like to get around to offering my own response to Norman Geisler's entry on Van Til and Presuppositionalism in his Baker Encyclopedia of Apologetics (which is otherwise a fine work).
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