Concise Survey of the Bible

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Puritan Board Junior
Friends, Hendriksen's Survey is often the one people would recommend, but has there been any recent books that can claim the throne? I am not talking about surveys within larger books but surveys that are handy to carry around like Hendriksen's. Thanks
You can carry the Bible around in one hand; it is actually the most comprehensive and complete survey of the Bible ever authored.
I keep a bible right next to where I sit and read it each morning. That is good enough for me.
You should be able to fit this survey on a notecard.

On a scale of 1 to 5 please rate the Bible’s meaningfulness for you:

1. Possesses no meaning for me.
2. Possesses little meaning for me.
3. It is up and down for me.
4. Possesses some meaning for me.
5. Possesses ultimate truths.
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