Originally posted by Paul manata
Originally posted by Scott Bushey
Originally posted by Paul manata
Originally posted by Scott Bushey
Sproul is not reformed; he is a congregationalist.
So John Cotton, John Owen, and Jonathon Edwards were not reformed, then???
What is your definition of 'reformed'?
Honestly, I don't think that's an easy answer. I could, if i wanted too, define it as many things, one of them being: postmillennial. Now, you may scoff. but what's to say I won't do the same to your definition? You may say that WCF doesn't teach postmillennialism. I may be inclined to disagree, or, at least, optamistic amill (so are pessamistic amill not reformed? ). I may say that six day creation is reformed. Does that make churches within the OPC and PCA that don't hold this view, a non-reformed church? If yes, then you would disagree with the vote against strict confessionalism; is *that* reformed? if not, then the PCA isn't refomed.
So, at the very least, I would say that Owen, Edwards, Cotton are reformed. I mean, I actually think it is absurd to say that John Owen was not reformed. Somone might say, "no, he wasn't, but he was calvinistic." But what does that mean? Do you have to hold to *everything* Calvin taught, e.g., the "doctor" is a ordained office?