@Stephen L Smith
I admit, being asked to review an essay like Renihan's is a bit daunting. Both these men are far better read than me and know more than me. High respect is due to them for their learning and service. I'll probably look goofy, saying that, to try and comment anyway. For what limited time I have, here are my thoughts.
In one part, I feel as though if you work on the questions in the other thread, some of this will come into focus. So I still encourage you to think through those questions.
I actually read this essay maybe two years ago now. They start off by saying the AC is primarily in reference to national and temporary promises, and that is the significance of circumcision--but does that even make sense in light of the New Testament data, when the clearest referent of the rite is the righteousness of Christ received by faith? Isn't that the substance of the Covenant of Grace, that those who believe on Christ will receive His righteousness? Didn't circumcision preach righteousness by faith to Abraham? Didn't the Spirit use it to confirm Abraham's faith like baptism ought to do for the true believer? That's exactly what the Household Baptist camp calls "administration." I kinda feel like the 1689 Federalist needs to both try to keep this word and get rid of it. They don't want to call the AC an administration, yet it still needs to be admitted that salvation is being delivered through it. Calling it types and shadows doesn't help. the Paedo agrees. They are not Christ. Yet Christ is delivered through them.
And if that's the significance of the sign, does it make sense to say that the substance of the AC is merely national and physical, and that the relationship is merely external, when God has become Abraham's God through Christ, and when the New Testament says that by Abraham's acts of faith he became a
friend of God?
But suppose that we can say that the CG
is the NC, and not the AC, and that the NC is retroactively applied, and let's suppose that the AC and Mosaic are all primarily temporary and physical... isn't the AC still the channel through which the NC blessings are coming to the elect who lived before Christ? Isn't that still administration? And can't we still say that this is the primary purpose of the AC--as the means to draw in the elect? And if the Covenant of Redemption is driving this all, isn't that more reason to say that the words "God to you and your offspring after you" do not have primary reference to physical seed in external relationship to God; but rather inward and spiritual?
Then can't we go a little higher and say that what God has in view with the land, the children, the victories, the cities, the ordinances, the sacrifices, the circumcision, the passover, the Levitical priesthood, triumph over physical enemies and rest on every side--that through all of these, God meant to use those to draw in and confirm the faith of the elect at that time? Isn't that still administration?
The ultimate things accomplished in the elect before Christ are not physical and external, but spiritual and inward. That view alone seems to reach the height of the purpose of the CoR.
The more I think about this, the much less threatened I think the Paedo view is by the idea that the CG is just the NC retroactively applied.
(I may have just discovered to myself why well-studied paedobaptists feel no threat from John Owen's Covenant Theology)
They say of the New Covenant, "the parties of the New Covenant are no other than God and Christ, and the elect in Him." This has never been an issue for the Household Baptist.
Q 31. With whom was the Covenant of Grace made?
The covenant of grace was made with Christ as the Second Adam, and in Him with all the elect as His seed.
The Standards acknowledge in Question 61 the visible church is all who profess the true religion, along with their children, but the invisible church in Q 64--the true church--are the elect in every age. The WLC is also clear that not one redemptive benefit is owed to a member of the visible, whether professors or their children, but they only go to members of the true church, the elect, at the time they believe.
As for the idea that you essentially silo the covenants and their terms from one another, forgive my parroting... Romans 11

. Whether the AC and NC are both the CG, or the NC is the CG applied retro, the NC era saints come into the olive tree of the Jews. There isn't a new tree altogether, and there's not an altered membership structure.
As for the ending quote by Hodge, I really do wish the Baptist brothers would stop trying to use quotes by Paedobaptists to make it look like we have an unsettled anxiety about our position. Seems like in almost half of all credobaptist polemics you also get infamous BB Warfield quote about how we essentially admit we have no NT proof for our position. I'm more settled on the Scriptural grounds of this position than I was of credobaptism. Seriously, the image painted by hashing up these quotes and then ramming paedobaptist quotes against each other like we agree on nothing just does not accord with reality.
I'll probably find my thoughts incomplete upon review, but I've written with what time I've had. It's good to be stretched on this a few times over. God bless your studies.