Ask Mr. Religion
Flatly Unflappable
Cuil has 3 times the volume at 1/3 the resource utilization over Google. No cookies, no search histories, which means no privacy concerns.
Cuil is run by two former Googlers, Anna Patterson and Russell Power, the duo responsible for Tera-Google, Google's large search index, a couple of other brilliant search architects, Tom Costello, from IBM and Bruce Baumgart from IBM's Almaden Lab and Xerox Parc.
Cuil has managed to index 120 billion web pages to date (3 times more than google) and has managed to do so using a third the number of servers.
After you perform a search, you may see a panel on the right-hand side that says "Explore By Category" with a list of subjects related to your search. If you roll-over a category, it will open and show refinements related to your search. If you click on one, Cuil will direct you to this additional information. By looking at these suggestions, you may discover search data, concepts, or related areas of interest that you hadn't expected. This is particularly useful when you are researching a subject you don't know much about and aren't sure how to compose the "right" query to find the information you need.
Roll-over definitions
When you pause on a subject suggested by "Explore By Category," a definition of that term may appear. This gives you additional information to help you decide whether or not to click on that term and so save you some time.
Cuil helps you to search by offering you other choices and suggestions. Cuil will show you "Tabs" that suggest ways to clarify your search. For example, if you search for "Jaguar," there are a number of things you could be searching for, like Jaguar cars, Jaguar cats, a football team called the Jaguars, etc. Just click on the tab that reflects your interest and Cuil will narrow your search appropriately.
Try Cuil with this search:
Reformed Theology - Cuil
As my son says, and spells differently, "kewl".
Cuil is run by two former Googlers, Anna Patterson and Russell Power, the duo responsible for Tera-Google, Google's large search index, a couple of other brilliant search architects, Tom Costello, from IBM and Bruce Baumgart from IBM's Almaden Lab and Xerox Parc.
Cuil has managed to index 120 billion web pages to date (3 times more than google) and has managed to do so using a third the number of servers.
After you perform a search, you may see a panel on the right-hand side that says "Explore By Category" with a list of subjects related to your search. If you roll-over a category, it will open and show refinements related to your search. If you click on one, Cuil will direct you to this additional information. By looking at these suggestions, you may discover search data, concepts, or related areas of interest that you hadn't expected. This is particularly useful when you are researching a subject you don't know much about and aren't sure how to compose the "right" query to find the information you need.
Roll-over definitions
When you pause on a subject suggested by "Explore By Category," a definition of that term may appear. This gives you additional information to help you decide whether or not to click on that term and so save you some time.
Cuil helps you to search by offering you other choices and suggestions. Cuil will show you "Tabs" that suggest ways to clarify your search. For example, if you search for "Jaguar," there are a number of things you could be searching for, like Jaguar cars, Jaguar cats, a football team called the Jaguars, etc. Just click on the tab that reflects your interest and Cuil will narrow your search appropriately.
Try Cuil with this search:
Reformed Theology - Cuil
As my son says, and spells differently, "kewl".