Daniel 10 If this is an appearance of Jesus ...

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Puritan Board Senior
If this is an OT appearance of Jesus what are we to make of the opposition to Him coming to Daniel?

What makes me uncomfortable is the thought of anyone being able to withstand the Second Person of the Trinity. Did He need Michael's aid?

Perhaps the question is wrong in that I envisage an armed confrontation where it may be a legal confrontation before the throne. Satan is much more of a lawyer than a warrior and it is his legal entitlement to unregenerate men that gives him reign - no?

Sorry if this is poorly worded but bear with me. :um:
I just wanted to observe that you appear to be examining Daniel quite deeply and posting many questions about this book and I would like to thank you for that because I have read your previous OPs and this one and I have often had many of the same questions, and still do....
What makes me uncomfortable is the thought of anyone being able to withstand the Second Person of the Trinity.

Perhaps a distinction being opposing and being able to withstand might address some of the difficulty. I make no claim to know what the proper interpretation of Daniel is, but throughout Scripture Satan tries to oppose God. And sometimes he seems to have some short-term success; but ultimately God so overrules that Satan's oppositions actually furthered God's designs.
Reading and rereading the text of Daniel 10 it may be that Jesus is dealing with the Persians somehow. This makes sense in the context of their oversight of Jerusalem at this time. The opposition to the rebuilding was growing. It may be that as Jesus deals with THIS he is detained as He imposes His will on the prince of Persia.

There is also a reference to the "kings" of Persia. Does this refer to the next king who would probably be alive (if not named as successor). There is a hint of this in the way Cyrus is described as being groomed/prepared for office.
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