David Bogue on false views of the millennium

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Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
That false ideas on the subject have been entertained by many, will not appear strange. Such as know no higher gratification than sensitive pleasure, will frame in their imagination, a Millennium bearing a resemblance to Mahomet’s paradise. This we find to have been the opinion of some, who lived in the early days of the Christian Church. To those who understand the nature of true religion, and the sources of a Christian’s felicity, a refutation of this system is needless: to mention it, is to refute it. Others have represented the Millennium as a state nearly equalling heaven. The reins have been thrown loose on the neck of a luxurious imagination, which abandoned to its own wayward fancies, has forsaken the path of sober reason, and wandered into fairy scenes of its own creation.

How wise and pious men could ever suppose that the saints, whose souls are now in heaven, should, after the resurrection of the body from the grave, descend to live on earth again; and that Jesus Christ should quit the throne of his glory above, and descend and reign personally over them here below, in distinguished splendour, for a thousand years, may justly excite our astonishment, since it is in direct opposition to the whole tenor of the doctrinal parts of the sacred volume. Such, however, have been the opinions of some great men. Happy will it be if we take warning from their aberrations; and from seeing them go so far astray, we are constantly on our guard against giving way to fancies, and exercise a holy caution and strict sobriety of judgment, in the interpretation of the sacred oracles, on this interesting but difficult subject.

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