Dinosaur Soft Tissue

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Puritan Board Professor
I've been looking closer at the Dinosaur soft-tissue subject unfolding the past few years. I remember an interview creationist microscopist Mark Armitage gave where he said there were likely cabinets and drawers full of dinosaur bones all over the world that have soft tissue in them. Scientists though don't want to crack open their whole bone specimens. A find this recent paper of his about nerves, even if somewhat over my head, fascinating. Anyone else here with an interest in this soft tissue subject?
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I've been looking closer at the Dinosaur soft-tissue subject unfolding the past few years. I remember an interview creationist microscopist Mark Armitage gave where he said there were likely cabinets and drawers full of dinosaur bones all over the world that have soft tissue in them. Scientists though don't want to crack open their whole bone specimens. A find this recent paper of his about nerves, even if somewhat over my head, fascinating. Anyone else here with an interest in this soft tissue subject?
I’d love to hear more about it but don’t know anything to share.
I grew up in a different age when creationism was a dogmatic truth among baptist-type evangelicals, and our evangelical megachurch hosted creationist speakers regularly. I remember this coming up. Only 16 years ago or so.
That was an interesting article. Over my head too.

The nucleated red blood cells they have found is fascinating too, although being a young earth, literal Noah's flood believer, it isn't a surprise. 75 million years for soft tissue, I don't think so. Even a few thousand years seems amazing. It seems like this subject is being buried by the mainstream because of the implications.

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