Disproportioned means; infinitely greater success

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Puritanboard Amanuensis
Hugh Binning, Works, pp. 283-284:

Cyrus, when he was about to conquer neighbouring nations, gave out a proclamation, “If any will follow me, if he be a foot-man, I will make him an horse-man; if he have a village, I will give him a city; if a city, I will bestow on him a country,” etc. Now mark how contrary the proceeding of our Lord is. “Go and preach” (saith he), “repent ye, for the kingdom of God is at hand.” Here is his proclamation, “Repent ye.” And, “If any man will be my disciple, let him take up his cross and follow me, and deny himself.” What disproportioned means! And yet how infinitely greater success! Cyrus could not gain the Lacedemonians to his side for all that; but Christ, though poor, despised, and contemptible while alive, and at length thought to be quite vanquished by the most shameful death, when he is lifted up upon the cross to the view and reproach of the world, he draws all men after him. He, by a few fishermen, not commanders, nor orators, persuades the world; and within a few years, that crucified Lord is adored further and wider than any empire did ever stretch itself.
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