Jesus is my friend
Puritan Board Junior
It seems to me that within the Modern church there is a lack of understanding reguarding what the Bible declares about our inherited guilt from Adam's sin in the Garden,I am trying very hard to articulate what I mean by this and having a hard time so please bear with me,Am I wrong in saying that understanding that we were declared gulity at this point in time is massively important?,It seems like the Doctrine of Total Depravity totally hinges on this.I bring this up because I believe if we take what the Bible says about our guilt in this one act seriously many theological problems would be much easier to deal with,so i need a starting point for resources to solidify my understanding of this Doctrine.Can anyone here offer any suggestions,older threads,teachings,books,anything that would help me understand and defend the Biblical teachings on these truths,
Thank you very much
Thank you very much