Does anyone have access to an English Bible Exam?

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Puritan Board Freshman
I'm currently reading through the Bible, and I'm wondering if anyone knows where I can get my hands on a basic but thorough Bible exam. Questions would include things such as: who is the left-handed judge, how many children did Issac have, in what book was the tribe of Benjamin nearly killed off, what was the name of the woman who put a spike through Sisera's head, what book is the verse "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God," etc? This type of exam will serve me greatly in trying to get a grasp of the basic facts and events in the Bible.

Your input would be, indeed, appreciated.
Thank you kindly, Andrew. Both of these sources will prove beneficial to me. How does one go about obtaining the answers to Dr. McMahon's longer exam? After I take it, I would like to be able to check my answers and make sure that I'm correct. Do you know who wrote the exam on Dr. McMahon's webpage? I'm assuming he did, but I just want to verify my assumption.
Originally posted by JJF
Thank you kindly, Andrew. Both of these sources will prove beneficial to me. How does one go about obtaining the answers to Dr. McMahon's longer exam? After I take it, I would like to be able to check my answers and make sure that I'm correct. Do you know who wrote the exam on Dr. McMahon's webpage? I'm assuming he did, but I just want to verify my assumption.

You're welcome. I hope they will be helpful to you. The pastoral quiz is used by the RPCGA, Dr. McMahon's denomination, so I would think they prepared it. Matt, is that correct? Can you respond to Joshua's question about exam answers?
Originally posted by VirginiaHuguenot
I have not reviewed it closely enough to vouch for it and I note that the exams here are associated with the PCUSA, but it might be worthwhile to check out this Presbyterian Bible Exam.

Wow! This is cool! Thanks, Andrew! This guy must be from one of the PCUSAs renewal movements!!! What else could explain why he'd even bother with these exams? ;)
Originally posted by VirginiaHuguenot
I have not reviewed it closely enough to vouch for it and I note that the exams here are associated with the PCUSA, but it might be worthwhile to check out this Presbyterian Bible Exam.

Wow! This is cool! Thanks, Andrew! This guy must be from one of the PCUSAs renewal movements!!! What else could explain why he'd even bother with these exams? ;)

I've been looking through these exams, and they are excatly what I was searching for (I know that it's a no-no to end a sentence with a preposition, oops). Way cool!, Andrew.
Originally posted by JJF
How does one go about obtaining the answers to Dr. McMahon's longer exam? After I take it, I would like to be able to check my answers and make sure that I'm correct.

I would be interested in checking my responses against the answers as well.

Is there an answer key to that ???? :candle:
Originally posted by victorbravo
Welcome, Joshua. Don't worry about the preposition rule. It's a myth:

Churchill reportedly said it was a rule "up with which I will not put."


Thanks for the warm greeting. I'm aware of that famous quote and the reasons why it's grammatically correct to end some sentences with a prep. (so, I didn't read the website you posted); I just thought I would get a little grammar humor in (notice the prep. at the end). It's never wrong to end a sentence with a preposition if it is part of a verb phrase such as: to put up with or to search for. It would always be considered wrong (at least according to standard English) to end a sentence with a preposition that should be prepostioned at the head of a noun phrase. One example of this error is: I went the store to. Anyway, I'll stop boring you with the grammar lecture.
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