Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
Against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men.] He saith not against men: because God hateth not them, but taketh vengeance on their wicked acts. And those comprehendeth he under the name of impiety and unrighteousness: for wicked acts are partly committed against God, and partly against men.
Peter Martyr Vermigli, Most learned and fruitful commentaries of D. Peter Martir Vermilius Florentine, professor of divinity in the school of Tigure, upon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Romanes wherein are diligently [and] most profitably entreated all such matters and chief common places of religion touched in the same Epistle. With a table of all the common places and expositions upon divers places of the scriptures, and also an index to find all the principal matters contained in the same, trans. Henry Billingsley (London: John Day, 1568), p. 19.
Peter Martyr Vermigli, Most learned and fruitful commentaries of D. Peter Martir Vermilius Florentine, professor of divinity in the school of Tigure, upon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Romanes wherein are diligently [and] most profitably entreated all such matters and chief common places of religion touched in the same Epistle. With a table of all the common places and expositions upon divers places of the scriptures, and also an index to find all the principal matters contained in the same, trans. Henry Billingsley (London: John Day, 1568), p. 19.