Durham - Meditation on Whales and Death (Lectures on Job)

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Puritan Board Graduate
Good Day,

Almost finished up the RHB & Naphtali ed. of Lectures on Job by James Durham. On page 188, Durham list an observation as the Lord’s showcases his own glory and might in being the creator of the Leviathan. While Durham does see the creature as a whale, this is not really the point of the matter. I hope you hear his charge here and are encouraged and sobered as I was upon first reading:

6. Shipmen at the approach of this creature are said to purify themselves (v.25). Observe, that these who have not much religion, when death seems to draw near, will seek to purify or cleanse themselves, and fall about religious duties for that end, as the heathens in Jonah 1. The sober consideration of death will put the stoutest to purification, and the right and sober thoughts of death are a very profitable meditation. If we were within reach of a whale, we would be more taken up with the thoughts of it, and yet it may be very sudden, and it is as certain as can be. It were good that we had as earnest thoughts in the study of holiness, as if death were within our view, and not an hour hence.
I was under the impression that the mariners were frightened by the great storm--there's no mention of them seeing the great fish; that's only spoken of after Jonah is cast overboard.
Is it a common idea that the sailors saw the fish before they cast Jonah overboard?
I was under the impression that the mariners were frightened by the great storm--there's no mention of them seeing the great fish; that's only spoken of after Jonah is cast overboard.
Is it a common idea that the sailors saw the fish before they cast Jonah overboard?
I don’t think Durham is stating that, but rather making the point that the sailors knew they were likely about to die. Hence, how common it is for man to give little thought of his maker until he sees his life flashing before his eyes.
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