"Earning" a M.Div autodidactically

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Puritan Board Freshman

I am currently looking for some type of developed and guided M.Div 'program' to complete autodidactically and self-guided. Is there such a thing developed somewhere in the internet world? Something well done and thought through, and confessionally reformed in aim?My bachelors was completed in Bible, but I am hitting a brick wall in my growth within my studies, and my pastors salary (with four kids under six while living in New Jersey) can't quite meet the $450 credit hour of most accredited seminaries :)

Just curious. Thinking of trying to somewhat 'develop' a study path for myself but don't want to re-invent the wheel if someone has already done so.


TNARS is a free Reformed seminary with the aim of working through the course with a mentor. They have all of the curriculum on-line as well, so you could even do it self guided and without a degree if that's what you desire.

I realize I'm being a bit lazy in not reading up on it myself, but could you tell me in a nutshell what the difference is between this and TNARS?

A cursory review of both sites seems to indicate that the TNARS program is a bit more rigorous, but otherwise they are fairly similar.
See also: prbseminary.org

Note: the man behind the site is also on the admin board at TNARS.

I realize I'm being a bit lazy in not reading up on it myself, but could you tell me in a nutshell what the difference is between this and TNARS?
Different set of courses and course content. TNARS is more established, however, especially if you are seeking ordination as there are sessions that have recognized TNARS as a credible degree program of study.
There are a number of courses from RTS and other seminaries that are freely available online. There are a number of smaller Reformed Baptist seminaries, but I don't know to what extent they allow distance learning. But I'm guessing that some of them may offer it. If you are on FB, I'd recommend joining one of the Reformed Baptist groups and asking there, assuming you have interest in a Baptist option. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of them that post here anymore.

EDIT: The Founders Study Center looks to be worth checking out as well. You can audit one course for free every semester. I don't know what the cost would be on down the line, but I would think it would be less than a seminary.
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