Ecclesiastes 10 v19??????

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Puritan Board Freshman
Ecclesiastes 10

A feast is made for laughter,
and wine makes life merry,
but money is the answer for everything.

I havent read the whole chapter yet, not even the book ( i will by tonight ) I just came across that verse through another website. What does it mean?

In the context (starting at v. 16) the author seems to be chiding hedonistic, self-indugent, and immature rulers. If that is the case, the verse is a commentary that reflects the thinking of that sort of person.

I think. :rolleyes:
Or else the sense may be, that princes should consider, and not be so profuse in their manner of living, but be more frugal and careful of the public money, and lay it up against a time of need; since it is that that answers all things, is the sinew of war when that arises, and will procure men and arms, to secure and protect them from their enemies, and obtain peace and safety for them and their subjects, which otherwise they cannot expect.

- Gill (Not too bad for a baptist)
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