Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
... The Pope therefore selleth but wind and smoke for fire, shadows for truths: he deceiveth the buyers with false lights, false measures, false weights. Beware of this merchant; loose not your labour; cast not away your money: it is not meat but poison which he offereth you. His physique cannot heal your diseases; His holy water cannot wash away the spots of a sullied and defiled soul, as he untruly would bear you in hand; His blasphemous Masses do not appease, but provoke God’s wrath; they cannot benefit the quick, much less the dead, which either need no help, or are past al help; His rotten relics cannot comfort you; His blind, dumb, and worm-eaten Idols can do you no good; It is cast away which is spent upon his shameless pardons, they will not prevail, God will not admit them; By his Latin service ye cannot be edified, or made wiser.
Yet this trumpery they sell for money, and upon this trash they cause silly men to waste their substance, and to these to commit their souls. Thus you see a manifest difference between Christ and Antichrist, the doctrine of God and the learning of man, true teachers and false, sound and counterfeited religion. The one offereth true bread, freely; the other that which is no bread for bread, and that not freely neither, but for money. ...
For the reference, see:
Yet this trumpery they sell for money, and upon this trash they cause silly men to waste their substance, and to these to commit their souls. Thus you see a manifest difference between Christ and Antichrist, the doctrine of God and the learning of man, true teachers and false, sound and counterfeited religion. The one offereth true bread, freely; the other that which is no bread for bread, and that not freely neither, but for money. ...
For the reference, see: