End time prophecy in middle east?

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Puritan Board Junior

lol a little thing that I got in my head when I seen the pope backing a 2-state solution to Israel in his speech in the middle east recently.

Now it's coming out that the Israeli prime minister may be prepared to back a 2 state solution.

but also

it seems that barack obama is heavily pushing for this with israel in his talks so maybe he's the one we should be looking at.

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Israel PM 'may back two states'

Was just wondering, isn't the anti-Christ supposed to be hailed as some great middle eastern peace maker according to end time prophecy?

I may be way off on this I can't remember completely the end time information I got from charismaniacs.

Anyway, interesting thing to keep an eye on, especially since there was a poll recently asking if the pope/papacy was the antichrist. I'm only really messing around with ideas though.
But the Pope backed off when he realized that the two states President Obama was talking about was the state of total confusion and the state of utter dispair.
Anything can be grist to the mill of the end times dispensationalist circus with their newspaper exegesis.

It would be nice if there could be peace between the Palestinians and Israelis. Don't hold your breath.:rolleyes:

Hey, . . . Anyway, interesting thing to keep an eye on, especially since there was a poll recently asking if the pope/papacy was the antichrist. I'm only really messing around with ideas though.

:detective: Postmil theologians put antichrists in the first century or even "already--not yet". Dispensationalists are always looking for anitchrists.
Calvin and Luther identified the two horns (or two legs) of Antichrist as the papacy and Islam, but dispensationalism has become so popular that few in the churches remember what the Reformers said.

I'll be interested to see how the coming negotiations over Jerusalem may relate to Zech. 12:3, which says,

"It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it."

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