Ephesians 1 verse 1 conditional or descriptive

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Puritan Board Senior
When Paul addresses the saints he adds a qualification (or description) "AND are faithful".

Which is it? :judge: - the english reads either way but I imagine the Greek is more descriptive.
Actually, If I recall correctly, the letter to Ephesus was intended to be passed around to the other local churches, so he may indeed be addressing more than one group of people. The saints at Ephesus AND the others that are faithful in Christ Jesus who will hear this letter as it is passed around.

None of the versions I've seen have it stated where it could be construed as a condition at all.

ETA oh yeah, the NASB does have it stated that way. But I think it's still possible he's addressing 2 different groups - the saints at the Ephesian church and the other saints in the area that will hear the letter. Or it's a description. I don't see how it would be a condition in any circumstance.
It means faithful in the sense of those who have faith, ie believers, and this is the same group that is referred to as saints. It is not a group within a group. All believers are saints, and vice-versa.

Oh yeah, and it is not two separate groups.

They are (1) Saints, (2) faithful, and (3) in Ephesus. See also Col. 1:2
Sorry we had a childrens address last week in which all the children appeared to be given unconditional assurance. At least it was implied and I kind of reacted against that. I guess when I came to the english text this week it maybe influenced my reading of the ESV.

I will adjust our family Bible study accordingly.

Although "not all Israel are Israel" and the visible church and the invisible church should be distinguished but maybe not from this letter. Any Christians at Ephesus were probably not going along with the prevailing culture :think:

(No assurance without scriptural warrant - never trouble a conscience without scriptural warrant - any idea where I read that?)

---------- Post added at 12:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 AM ----------

Could it be addressed to A) Ephesus and B) Greater Ephesus the surrounding villages. Paul would have had first hand knowledge of Ephesus but be taking other churches at face value?
Notice that Colossians is adressed "to the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae" (Col. 1:2). That sounds descriptive, not conditional. And the similar wording at a similar spot in the epistle argues that Ephesians is to be thought of the same way. It's descriptive.
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