eReader material

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Puritanboard Amanuensis
I was recently given an eReader for a present. I haven't a clue as to what it can do as yet. I might be displaying my ignorance with this question, but is there better or worse in terms of functionality with the material you obtain for this kind of thing? Any help on where to go to obtain the best Bible and Confession material would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Matthew, what brand of e-reader? Some can display pdf files, along with standard e-reader files, some are limited in what they can read.

Google books has several e-reader formats and you can download public domain books free of charge. That would be a good place to start to see what you can read.
If its a Kindle, there are lots of free Christian books from the Kindle store, some are good, some of dubious quality, but you can get the American Standard, KJV and many other versions of the scriptures for free.
I'm not sure; I think it is a generic brand. I'll have to learn by trial and error, it seems.
Project Gutenberg doesn't have much, but it does have a few items.

The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) by John Knox - Project Gutenberg

I downloaded The Pulpit of the Reformation Nos. 1, 2, 3 By John Welch, Bishop Latimer, and John Knox.

The First Blast of the Trumpet against the monstrous regiment of Women by John Knox.
Verify whether or not you're able to use micro sd cards in it, as well as the different file formats you can put on it.

Also, check to see if it is running an Android Operating System.

If it supports pdf, doc, txt, then you can put many books or PDF's on there that you may have accumulated over time. You may also be able to download many creative commons books and store them on there.

If it does have Android as the OS, then you can run Logos on it! :) Also, there's a plugin on there that would allow you to purchase and use Kindle books, and many times you can get free or very cheap ($0.50 to $2.95) Kindle books.
Most certainly look at the Internet Archive
There are several formats available.

Note that not all eReaders have the ability to display all formats. Furthermore not all will display the same format eText in the same manner. Some do quite well with PDFs some are hit and miss, some not at all. Some eReaders seem to need to "translate" eDocuments into native formats as well. Format can be adversely affected by this.
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