Puritan Board Freshman
I wanted to post something to see if anyone had some feedback. My wife and I were looking for some reference materials on different religious groups. I.E. mormons, jehovah's witnesses, catholics, Arabian & Eastern religions. We want something with both some information on them: history, beliefs, etc and something with insight on evangelizing them. I know some of that may cross into apologetics with certain groups, but I think it is hard on occasion to start up discussions with certain people groups. The more background I feel I have and also if I know some solid starting points, I feel like the more efficient I would be. Don't get me wrong I am not saying the cleverness of my words will win them. I know the Lord is Sovereign and only the elect will hear the call. I believe that the more I can do/study makes me a stronger conduit for God's use. Our church recently had a class, that while we appreciated the information given, I feel was very weak in both the actual "meat" of the groups and the resources for outreach. I know we are both more equipped to argue for Calvinist ideals verse Arminian, than for Christian verse whatever. This is a weakness I want to address. I would appreciate any feedback and links! Thanks for all you do.