Excellent blog post ... Stop Me Before I Turn Into A.W. Pink

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Puritan Board Senior
I'm posting this stand alone rather than in one of the two other A.W. Pink threads because I think it is an excellent blog post which while it addresses Pink's eschewing church, goes into Pink's reasons then, and the blog author's reasons now, and his solutions to the issues.

This is an blog post that was written years ago, and I've posted it on PB years ago, but now, for a new generation of PBers.

My husband and I are considering where to live in our old age and no longer have to be in the DC tech belt. Our A#1 priority will be the church where we will work and worship. That priority could make us live the rest of our days here in an expensive, quasi-urban setting that I find vexing.
I'm posting this stand alone rather than in one of the two other A.W. Pink threads because I think it is an excellent blog post which while it addresses Pink's eschewing church, goes into Pink's reasons then, and the blog author's reasons now, and his solutions to the issues.

This is an blog post that was written years ago, and I've posted it on PB years ago, but now, for a new generation of PBers.

When the blog's author says "mostly I’m going to work on finding a way to preserve and practice the reformation faith that’s dear to me by inviting other folks to come to my home and worship with me," how is this different(other than it being worse because of the constant focus on I, me, and my) than the old (and a few present) Covenanters meeting in "societies" when they could not find a minister or a church that they could join with in good conscience? Pink was in obvious error by not attending public worship but I can understand his frustration. I attend public worship in a local congregation but I cannot join - they require a vow of membership to recognize their denomination's constitution as based on Scripture, and do not provide a mechanism for exceptions (though, curiously, Church officers may state exceptions at their ordination, and the denomination's constitution states several exceptions to the WCF - and requiring a mandatory vow seems to contradict WCF 22.5-6). That means I can participate in all aspect of worship, but I cannot seek reformation or redress in its courts to address anything. It is hard to see things that should be addressed but be powerless to address them. So I can empathize with how Pink got to the point of what's-the-point...
This is an blog post that was written years ago, and I've posted it on PB years ago, but now, for a new generation of PBers.

Being one of those new generation of PBers, I thank you. I have a solid church but the reminder is encouraging as my kids approach leaving home and choosing a church family at their future schools and homes.
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