Puritan Board Doctor
Behold - The Silver Surfer!
Well, I can't actually show him - but I've just seen the Fantastic Four 2 teaser and I can say that every comic geek will soon be (going crazy) over this. I know a lot of people had issues with the first film, or outright bashed it, but I thought it was a decent, if under whelming, introduction to the characters - much in line with the first X-Men movie. So my expectations for the sequel were moderate - stoked mostly by the thought of seeing one of Marvel's great cosmic icons in live action. Now having seen the teaser, my expectations for the film have been considerably raised. This is one of the best trailers I've seen lately - and there's been quite a few (great) ones in recent weeks. I'll describe it in the following two paragraphs - so skip to the end of the post if you want to see it fresh for yourself on prints of Night at the Museum this weekend.
The cool approach that Fox has taken with this is to show a single scene - or at least an extended portion of a scene, as opposed to the usual barrage of quick cuts associated with action trailers (kind of like the trailer for last summer's The Devil Wears Prada, which I think was also a Fox film). We start at the wedding of Sue and Reed, with actor (and comic book fan) Brian Posehn as the preacher. Suddenly a silver streak splits through the sky. Reed directs Johnny to flame on and follow the object. The rest of the teaser is a high speed chase between Johnny and the Surfer.
We see the Surfer trying to shake Johnny off by using a power not seen in the comics - not to my knowledge, at least - wherein he's able to phase through solid objects (like the X-Men's Kitty Pryde or Marvel's android character The Vision). We see the Surfer phase through buildings and vehicles in an effort to outrace Johnny's pursuit. When that finally fails, the Surfer simply turns and grabs Johnny by the neck - stopping him cold. The Surfer then wordlessly flies them both to the outer reaches of the atmosphere where the lack of oxygen snuffs out Johnny's flame. The Surfer then releases Johnny, letting him plummet to the Earth as the title card slams onto the screen - and the wait for next summer just got that much longer.
In less than a minute and a half, this teaser delivered more comic book action than the entire first film so I'd say that bodes well for FF2 to make the same leap in quality as X-Men 2 and Spider-Man 2. The Surfer looks incredible, and yes, I know this wasn't horror news but I hope you'll agree that it was way too cool not to rave about.
I CANNOT WAIT! I am a huge Silver Surfer fan.
Well, I can't actually show him - but I've just seen the Fantastic Four 2 teaser and I can say that every comic geek will soon be (going crazy) over this. I know a lot of people had issues with the first film, or outright bashed it, but I thought it was a decent, if under whelming, introduction to the characters - much in line with the first X-Men movie. So my expectations for the sequel were moderate - stoked mostly by the thought of seeing one of Marvel's great cosmic icons in live action. Now having seen the teaser, my expectations for the film have been considerably raised. This is one of the best trailers I've seen lately - and there's been quite a few (great) ones in recent weeks. I'll describe it in the following two paragraphs - so skip to the end of the post if you want to see it fresh for yourself on prints of Night at the Museum this weekend.
The cool approach that Fox has taken with this is to show a single scene - or at least an extended portion of a scene, as opposed to the usual barrage of quick cuts associated with action trailers (kind of like the trailer for last summer's The Devil Wears Prada, which I think was also a Fox film). We start at the wedding of Sue and Reed, with actor (and comic book fan) Brian Posehn as the preacher. Suddenly a silver streak splits through the sky. Reed directs Johnny to flame on and follow the object. The rest of the teaser is a high speed chase between Johnny and the Surfer.
We see the Surfer trying to shake Johnny off by using a power not seen in the comics - not to my knowledge, at least - wherein he's able to phase through solid objects (like the X-Men's Kitty Pryde or Marvel's android character The Vision). We see the Surfer phase through buildings and vehicles in an effort to outrace Johnny's pursuit. When that finally fails, the Surfer simply turns and grabs Johnny by the neck - stopping him cold. The Surfer then wordlessly flies them both to the outer reaches of the atmosphere where the lack of oxygen snuffs out Johnny's flame. The Surfer then releases Johnny, letting him plummet to the Earth as the title card slams onto the screen - and the wait for next summer just got that much longer.
In less than a minute and a half, this teaser delivered more comic book action than the entire first film so I'd say that bodes well for FF2 to make the same leap in quality as X-Men 2 and Spider-Man 2. The Surfer looks incredible, and yes, I know this wasn't horror news but I hope you'll agree that it was way too cool not to rave about.
I CANNOT WAIT! I am a huge Silver Surfer fan.