Fly fishers?

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Puritan Board Doctor
Just curious to see how many other fly fishermen there are out there. Fresh or Salt? Favourite waters? Tie your own? etc.

I fish fresh for various strains of bass, bream, crappie, and catfish (yep it can be done). I fish the inland waters for specks, reds, pampano, mackeral, and anything else that will bite.

I tie almost all my own flies.
I knew about fishing for fish and for men, but I didn't know about fishing for flies. I just swat them. I don't even look to see what kind they are. I'll look a little closer next time. :D

I used to do a bit of fishing, Lawrence, but I never did fly fishing. I've seen it done, and I'd love to try it. Around here I suppose one would really have to know where to fish like that, because most of what we have is bottom feeders. There is big-mouth bass somewhere here, though.

Do you have one of those hats with your own tied flies all over?
Originally posted by puritancovenanter
Just a plastic worm Bass fisher....


I was converted to the worm this summer and I'm never looking back.

I wouldn't be opposed to fly fishing, but it looks like it really requires mastering the technique. Any kind of fishing is okay by me, except for ice fishing-- requires way too much beer.
OK, I'm a fly fisherman, but I haven't gone fishing in 10 years.

I used to tie my own flies and I fished all the streams of central and western Montana. The East Gallatin bordered our ranch and the Madison was only 5 miles away.

I was spoiled. Now I live in the Puget Sound region and I just haven't gotten around to trying to fly fish the sound.

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