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D. Paul

Puritan Board Sophomore
I am a member of Ligonier's Tape of the Month. Last month, Dr. Sproul taught on forgiveness. One thing was troubling and I can't seem to reconcile it with the whole of scripture yet I see his point. He said we have the idea in the church that we are to forgive all things and all people but that there are instances when we may withhold forgiveness if the person has refused to repent etc. He states we assume a higher standard than even God Himself.

In speaking with a friend on this she said God is God and not subject to the same standards and that any unforgiveness leads to a bitterness of heart. She also used [u:1a31856c66]Matt 6:14[/u:1a31856c66]and [u:1a31856c66]Luke 23:34[/u:1a31856c66]

So are we to forgive unilaterally or universally regardless of the offense? Seventy times seven?

Dr. Sprould was very clear so I did not misunderstand him. I've just never heard that said before!
A number of months ago there was a baptist minister (or somebody) on TV who came up with this "great new idea," or so they said. He wrote a book on it (probably the only one he ever wrote).

All he said was that we do not have to forgive anybody, just love them. And unless someone asks for forgiveness, you should not forgive them.

I've heard the BibleAnswerMan make this same argument. He goes on to further qualify that we should always "stand READY and WILLING to forgive should the person repent." And again, it has to do with not making ourselves "even more forgiving than God."

I'm impressed with the argument and can see how this can be. I'm also open for correcting my view if in fact this is wrong.

Obviously Jesus said, "Lord forgive them; they know not what they do" as He was being crucified. (in this instance, they people had NOT repented) In pondering this, as I have for some time, I believe what He MAY have been saying is, "Lord, forgive them for crucifying the Son of Man just as they would any ordinary criminal. They think they are executing a villan, and their eyes have not been opened to see the truth of who I Am. Because of this, hold this not against them." They had no idea of the terrible crime they were committing!

I hope I haven't taken too much license, but that is the best I can come up with after having considered this issue at some length.

My :2cents:
Obviously Jesus said, "Lord forgive them; they know not what they do" as He was being crucified. (in this instance, they people had NOT repented) In pondering this, as I have for some time, I believe what He MAY have been saying is, "Lord, forgive them for crucifying the Son of Man just as they would any ordinary criminal. They think they are executing a villan, and their eyes have not been opened to see the truth of who I Am. Because of this, hold this not against them." They had no idea of the terrible crime they were committing!

I believe that Jesus had to have been talking about the elect in this passage. Christ only intercedes for the elect and his prayers are always answered. There's no evidence (that I'm aware of) in the Bible that a person could only have one sin forgiven without the rest (in this case the sin of the soldiers crucifying him).
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