Free Kindle book on Church Revitalization

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Thanks for the share. Book written by Baptists & connected to Acts 29, for those interested. Very interesting to read the 1, 2 and 3 star reviews on Amazon. Sounds like a book we should read with discernment.

there is little to glean from it for future "replanters",

But then he came up with the idea that the church, to move into its future, needed to give up its autonomy as a church and become a satellite church of Darrin Patrick's Journey Church in St. Louis. The church did, and it worked. It almost conveys the idea, "It worked for us, so what we did must have been God's will." This is the danger of a book about church revitalization that is a story rather than an exposition of Scripture. Sadly, a summary of the book's content boils down to this: Give the problem to someone else!

Pastor DeVine remarks that one reason he was able to survive the battle with the cartel is because his family was not with him at the church. In some ways, he seems to have functioned more as a CEO than a pastor.
Disclaimer: I've not yet read this book not am I endorsing its content; I simply figured that, since there is not much literature available on church revitalization, a title offered at no charge might possibly prove helpful (even if only serving as a foil).

Thanks for pointing us to the reviews, Psyche! Read with discernment, brethren.

Grace to you.
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