Free (updated) ebook: The Attributes of God

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I highly recommend this work. There is nothing like reading a chapter about an attribute or characteristic of God which causes you to stop and worship Him for who He is.

This particular book has evolved.

The Attributes of God has 17 chapters which are only about God. This book was written by Pink.

Gleanings in the Godhead has 45 chapters, some additional ones about God and almost 20 about Christ. I believe I have the story correct that publishers went through Pink's monthly newsletter Studies in the Scriptures to gather material for the new chapters.

The latest version of Gleanings in the Godhead is called The Nature of God.

There are two good sources for Pink's works: 1) the Arthur W. Pink Works Archive at Providence Baptist Ministries, 2) Pink's monthly newsletter Studies in the Scriptures at Chapel Library, a ministry of Mount Zion Bible Church. (I'm a fan of both sites.)
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