Originally posted by WrittenFromUtopia
This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your offspring after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised.
Yes, well I do know that Gen 17:10 is in the Bible, and I am in full agreement that Abraham was instructed to circumcise all the males in his household. but I think you need to read this text in the light of the whole chapter, not to mention Rom 4, Gal 3 and Heb 8-10 etc. The words,
'This is My covenant' refer back to vs 1-9, not only to the act of circumcision. You would also do well to read Bruce's post again. The whole household was circumcised, but only Abraham, Sarah and Isaac were in the covenant. That fact seems to me to have implications for one's view of the covenants of promise. The whole of Israel was circumcised in the days of King David, but he said, ' Yet He has made with ME an everlasting covenant (2Sam 23:5 ).
Gabriel, I am off on holiday now, and I would rather not leave on bad terms with a brother in Christ. What I have tried to do in my posts is to challenge some of the pre-suppositions which there seem to be among some of the presbyterian brethren here. Hence my challenge to think about Ishmael's circumcision, the Larger Catechism and one or two other points. For some reason, this seems to have driven you and Paul into a rage. For my part, I am truly sorry if I have upset you and I hope that when I return in a fortnight I hope we shall be able to discuss in a calm and friendly spirit.
When one hears something that challenges one's dearly-held pre-suppositions, there are two possible attitudes to take. One is descibed in Acts 22:22; the other, more noble, course is found in Acts 17:11.
Grace & Peace,