Gary North on getting a PhD in today's market

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Puritanboard Clerk
Academics Without Academia by Gary North
While my degree is in American history, with my concentration in colonial America, I rarely receive an inquiry about whether a Ph.D. in history would be wise, nor does anyone ask me which specialty or which university.

I have a stock reply to these inquiries.

Why do you want a Ph.D?
What are your career plans?
Is a Ph.D. required for this career?
Why do you think the post-1968 Ph.D. glut is over?
What college wants to hire an Austrian School economist?
Why do you think a college will be looking in 3 years?
Why won't it hire an Ivy League Ph.D.? Or a Chicago grad?
Do you plan to work for a tax-funded school?
If so, why?

There are a series of mistakes in the minds of most would-be Ph.D. students.
If you ask me, most post-grad studies are a waste of time; not all of them by any means, there have been some great PhDs done, but you have really got to ask yourself is it worth the time?
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