George Swinnock

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Puritanboard Librarian
"The Christian Man's Calling," in Works, Vol. 1, p. 85:

Whether a Christian be eating or drinking, or buying or selling, or ploughing or sowing, or riding or walking, whatever he be doing, or wherever he be going, he must be always in the fear of the Lord. Godliness must be his guide, his measure, and his end; as the salt, it must be sprinkled on every dish to make it savoury. Thy life, O Christian, must be so led that it may be a continued serving of God.
"The Christian Man's Calling" in Works, Vol. 2, pp. 440-441 re the Scriptures:

What is this word which thy thoughts are now upon? It is called "Scripture," John 10:35; or "Scriptures," Matt 22:29; by an antonomasy or excellency of phrase, as the most worthy writings that ever saw the light. It is called the "word of God," 1 Pet 1:15; both in regard of its efficient cause, which is the "Spirit of God," 2 Tim 3:15; the material cause, "which is the mind of God," Eph 1:9; the final cause, "which is the glory of God," Eph 3:9. It is called the "law of the Lord," Prov 20:17; the "law of liberty," James 1:25; the "law of faith," Rom 3:27; "a perfect law," Ps 19:7; "a royal law," James 1:8; the "book of the law," Josh 1:8; "the book of the Lord," Isa 34:16; "the book of life," 2 Kings 22:8; the "gospel of peace," Eph 1:16; the "gospel of God," Rom 1:1; the "gospel of God's grace," Acts 20:24; the "counsel of God," Acts 20:27; the "charge of God," 1 Kings 2:3; the "breath of God," Job 37:10; "the mouth of God," Jer 9:12; the "oath of God," Deut 29:12; the "oracles of God," Acts 7:38; the "paths of God," Mic 6:9; the "wisdom of God," Prov 8:14. It is called a "good thing," Rom 10:14; the "good part," Luke 10:42; the "key of knowledge," Matt 16:19; the "key of heaven," Luke 11:52; "tidings of salvation," Luke 2:10; "glad tidings of peace," Isa 52:7; "a good way," 1 Sam 12:23; a "perfect way," Ps 101:2; a "narrow way," Matt 7:13. Many other titles it hath which shew the excellency of this word of truth.
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