Good works are necessary to salvation, but not in order to effect salvation or acquire it by right.
Michael Lynch translated a portion of Louis le Blanc on good works. He cites Pareus and Ames against Bellarmine.
Theses Theologicae [...] (London, 1683), pgs. 588-89
Mark Jones (Twisse, Zanchi, Witsius, Mastricht):
John Piper John Piper wrote a post some time ago on justification, good works, and salvation. Most Reformed folks agree with his basic position, but there is a vocal minority who accuse him of comp…
Between the “already” of justification and the “not yet” of glorification lies a path that must be strewn with good works.
John Davenant contra Bellarmine's misconception of the Protestant view of good works:
Patrick Ramsey takes up one of the key criticisms by Roman Catholics against the Protestant doctrine of justification was that it nullified the necessity of and the incentive to do good works. Turning to the work of John Davenant we see that good works are indeed conditionally necessary for...
Someone more contemporary,
Sinclair Ferguson:
"In order to experience final salvation, sanctification is as necessary as justification."
GK Beale:
A recent article on the Aquila Report alleges that a number of scholars, including John Piper, Thomas Schreiner, and Greg Beale, propagate “an erroneous, heterox interpretation of justification/fin…