Has FV infected Regents Collage?

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It sounds like this fellow is well on his way to denying the creator/creature distinction. He down-plays the differences Protestants have with Rome. Once again, a liberal from a liberal denomination telling us to just get along for the "good" of the world.....
I have issues with Boersma, but he isn't FV. Guys like Boersma are big name theologians; they don't really care much about FV squabbles.
I read him to be a mystical union guy, critic of scholasticism - he'd probably get along well with eastern orthodoxy from what I've read of him. That he's hold's Packer's chair of theology is troublesome to me.
He's simply following John Milbank's claim that nominalism caused the Reformation and both ruined Christendom.
Here is what he is getting at: on his reading the church from Irenaeus to Scotus held to a unified cosmology and the analogy of being. Scotus ruined that with his univocism and Occam finished it off with his voluntarism. Now there is no longer a sacramental universe.

Of course, the Radical Orthodoxy reading above has been challenged and it really isn't tenable.
I was wondering what Boersma's denominational affiliation is. I found that he presently attends a Christian Reformed Church but received his M.Div from the Canadian Reformed Churches seminary.
Now they're messin' with people's collages? They gotta try and ruin that too? What's next, infecting culinary techniques?!??!!
Whoa, whoa, whoa... if I can't cut pictures out of magazines, of similar subject matter, glue them onto poster board, and present my finished work in front of a group of similarly-aged companions, without having to deal with Federal Vision theology, then the terrorists have already won.

Or something.
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