Blueridge Believer
Puritan Board Professor
He lived poor and died poor
(Thomas Brooks, "London's Lamentations" 1670)
"Jesus replied-Foxes have holes and birds of the
air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place
to lay His head." Matthew 8:20
Jesus does not say, Kings have palaces-but I have none.
Nor He does say that rich men have houses and lands and
mansions to entertain their followers-but I have none;
but, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests,
but I have no place to lay My head."
Your outward condition is not worse than Christ's was,
when He was in the world. Christ's condition was low,
yes, very low and humble in this world. He was born
in a stable, lived on the charity of others, and did
not have enough money to pay His taxes. The great
Architect of the world had no place to lay His head-
but emptied Himself of all, and became poor to make
us rich, not in goods-but in grace; not in worldly
wealth-but in the treasures of the eternal world.
He lived poor and died poor.
Are you houseless, are you penniless, are you poor,
and low, and base in this world? So was Christ!
Remember "the servant is not greater than his Lord!"
It is unfitting to see the Head all begored with blood
and crowned with thorns-and the members to be
decked with roses and jewels, and to smell of rich
spices, and perfumes!
Are you in a worse condition than Christ was, in this
world? Oh no, no! Why then do you murmur and
complain? Why do you say there is no sorrow like
your sorrow, nor any suffering compared to your
suffering? O sirs! it is honor enough for the disciples
of Christ to fare as Christ fared in this world. Why
should the servant be in a better condition than His
Lord? Did you but seriously and frequently meditate
and ponder upon the poverty and low estate of Christ
while He was in this world, your hearts would be more
calm and quiet under all their crosses and losses!
(Thomas Brooks, "London's Lamentations" 1670)
"Jesus replied-Foxes have holes and birds of the
air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place
to lay His head." Matthew 8:20
Jesus does not say, Kings have palaces-but I have none.
Nor He does say that rich men have houses and lands and
mansions to entertain their followers-but I have none;
but, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests,
but I have no place to lay My head."
Your outward condition is not worse than Christ's was,
when He was in the world. Christ's condition was low,
yes, very low and humble in this world. He was born
in a stable, lived on the charity of others, and did
not have enough money to pay His taxes. The great
Architect of the world had no place to lay His head-
but emptied Himself of all, and became poor to make
us rich, not in goods-but in grace; not in worldly
wealth-but in the treasures of the eternal world.
He lived poor and died poor.
Are you houseless, are you penniless, are you poor,
and low, and base in this world? So was Christ!
Remember "the servant is not greater than his Lord!"
It is unfitting to see the Head all begored with blood
and crowned with thorns-and the members to be
decked with roses and jewels, and to smell of rich
spices, and perfumes!
Are you in a worse condition than Christ was, in this
world? Oh no, no! Why then do you murmur and
complain? Why do you say there is no sorrow like
your sorrow, nor any suffering compared to your
suffering? O sirs! it is honor enough for the disciples
of Christ to fare as Christ fared in this world. Why
should the servant be in a better condition than His
Lord? Did you but seriously and frequently meditate
and ponder upon the poverty and low estate of Christ
while He was in this world, your hearts would be more
calm and quiet under all their crosses and losses!