He will rest in His love

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Puritanboard Amanuensis
Ralph Erskine (The Sword of Justice awakened against God's Fellow), Sermons 1:50:

As the eternal God is willing, so his eternal Son is both able and willing to save you; and if he had not been so, he would never have sustained the stroke of avenging justice in the room of sinners, who is that good shepherd that laid down his life for the sheep. When he was smitten, by the sword of justice, he willingly undertook and underwent it; he longed for the bloody baptism, and was straitened till it was accomplished. When he was smitten by the hands of men, “He hid not his face from shame and spitting, but was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth.” He never quarrelled or complained because it was for our cause. Would he not quarrel with those that smote him, and will he quarrel with a poor sinner that desires to come to him, and to plead the benefit of his satisfaction? No, no! He will rest in his love, Zeph. 3:17: or, as the word signifies, “He will be silent, or dumb in his love.” He will not upbraid you for your falls, nor quarrel you for your former misdemeanours: he will be more content with your recovery than ever he was discontent with your apostasy: he will be more pleased with your coming to him than ever he was displeased with your sins and departures against him.
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