[quote:db2138b3dc][i:db2138b3dc]Originally posted by The0[/i:db2138b3dc]
I have an inquiry. After death, Scripture says that the body returns to the earth from which it was taken, and the spirit returns to God who gave it (Ecclesiastes 12:7). The Scripture on this point does not discriminate between believer and unbeliever, so I conclude that the spirits of the believers as well as unbelievers return to God who gave them and their bodies return to the earth to become dust. So, what part of the believer goes to "heaven" and what part of the unbeliever goes to "hell"? It appears from Ecc. 12:7 that the spirits of both go back to the same place, God.
Well, that verse is not the clearest idea, so we must interpret it with others. Until the final resurection all who die go to an immediate state, the believers to "Abraham's Bosom" or heaven, and the unbelievers to hell (Luke 16). At the resurrection all will be reunited to their bodies and judged and sentenced accordingly, the believers to continue in their enjoyment of Christ, the unbeliever to continue in their condemnation because they refused the Mediator. BOth of these states take place in the direct presence of God, the difference is that believers have a Mediator who has made propitiation, the unbelievers stand before God without a Mediator and burn.
Also, the Scripture teaches that it is established for man to die ONCE, and after this the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). I know from the Bible that this judgment has not occurred yet; that is, men have not been judged yet, so this passage cannot mean that man is immediately judged, sentenced and sent to his "prison". So, if they have not been judged yet and have not received their punishment, how come they are already in the place of their punishment and ALREADY suffering? I say the same for the believers. If they have not received their reward, how come they are already enjoying it? [/quote:db2138b3dc]
John 3:16-19 tells us that those who do not believe stand condemned already. This is even before they died. God has already declared the sentence, just as he has when we are justified by faith. The declaration has already been made. The final judgment then is more a public trial before the universe confirming everything that has already been judged, and the judgments brought to completion and consumation, where the wicked will finally see their end, and the righteous will finally inherit their reward in Christ and be avenged by their heavenly Father. Everyone will see who the sheep and goats are and every secret of men will be revealed.