Help me find the word I'm looking for

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Jan Ziska

Puritan Board Freshman
Is there a single word that describes the intersection of Christian Doctrine with our daily lives?

Something like 'practical religion' but one word.
How about, "relevance?" I mean if others can use the word to suggest that doctrine has no bearing on our lives, why can we not use it to suggest that it does?
Orthopraxy, in my opinion.

This would be the word, also In my humble opinion. If you want a more Biblical word, then simply adopt the word "praxis" -- this is derived from the Greek word found in the title of the 5th NT book ("Acts of the Apostles", for you hardcore types). Different forms of the word are translated "deeds", "function", etc. elsewhere in the NT.
I like "faith"...and also "piety".

The faith that justifies is the same faith that we live by.
The only problem with piety is that the adjective pious is often a perjorative meaning insincerely reverent or sanctimonious.
Orthopraxy, in my opinion.

This would be the word, also In my humble opinion. If you want a more Biblical word, then simply adopt the word "praxis" -- this is derived from the Greek word found in the title of the 5th NT book ("Acts of the Apostles", for you hardcore types). Different forms of the word are translated "deeds", "function", etc. elsewhere in the NT.

I believe it is also, depending on context and usage.

As in a Godly life, a heavenly walk, a pure mind, a just tradesman, an edifying conversation, etc..

Holy is best, In my humble opinion; but as you see, there are quite a few options.
Thanks for the replies!

I'm looking for a label for my blog posts that are about applying doctrine to the everyday life and public policy. How to show people we are Reformed Christians, instead of just telling them.

I'm split between Piety, Orthopraxy, and Practical Christianity at the moment.

I like piety because I understand what it means, but I don't like it because most of me reader's won't.

Same same with Orthopraxy, although it gets bonus points because few people will have negative pre-conceptions about it.

But then Practical Christianity sort of sounds like a compromise. Like Christianity in the 'real-world' as opposed to Church.
I was thinking Practical Orthodox Theology and you could call it...

"PROCTOLOGY" for short.

I know, I'll be in the time out chair for a bit.
It seems there is not one word that will be effective for you, use a few words. The words suggested are too limited in definition to convey the full scope of christianity and it's implications on living day to day. Just as a basic example "Redeemed? Act Like It" :2cents:
Abraham Kuyper would be a giant in the field of practical theology. You could subtitle your blog with his most famous quote:

"There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence
over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: 'Mine!'"

And call your blog, "Not A Square Inch!"
If one understands by the word what William Ames meant by the word, the word "theology" itself is quite adequate: the science of living for God.
n. 1. (Med.) The treatment of deformities in the human body by mechanical appliances.

Hmmm, are you sure thats the one?
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