Help with Old Greek Font

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Phil D.

ὁ βαπτιστὴς
Just looking for some help identifying several characters in this line from a 17th century text.

1. the second letter in the first word

2. the next 2 single characters - I'm not sure, but I think the first one may be a sort of shorthand for the conjunction καί


Sorry for the small size, it's all I could get it to do, but you can push "Control +" several times on your computer to magnify the image.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!
The graphic wouldn't enlarge; but on #1 if it is like an eight with the top off of it, that is ou I "think".
The graphic wouldn't enlarge; but on #1 if it is like an eight with the top off of it, that is ou I "think".

Yes, that's just what it looks like. In this case it also makes sense phonetically, so I think that's probably right. Thanks!
For the few wonks who may care - mystery solved!

All three are Byzantine-Greek ligatures

1 = ου
2 = καί
3 = τής


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