Helpful/Biblical kids APPs during lockdown?

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Puritan Board Junior

We have 4 small kids and it's been tough not being able to get out to parks as everything is closed down. We've been letting them do more "screen time" for our own sanity, but it would be great if there was something out there that could also be edifying for them. Doing quick play store searches on Bible Apps for Kids didn't yield much fruit, I'm pretty surprised how little there is out there. Does anyone know of anything good, especially Apps but perhaps also videos for smaller kids (2-7)? Thanks.
There isn't much that I know of. Most of the people doing video for kids are not people I would want teaching my kids. Audio is a bit easier. Several people do songs. Songs for Saplings specializes in songs for kids of the age you mentioned, and some of their albums (maybe all, I'm not sure) are available on their YouTube channel with the words written out. As entertainment goes, I'm not sure kids will be terribly captivated by these music-with-words-only videos, but they do fit the goal of being edifying.

Surely somebody else, in some church somewhere, has placed some solid and engaging material for kids somewhere on the Internet. But I have yet to run across anything I would recommend, so I too am interested in answers to your question.

As a side note, I have been asked a few times recently if I have created any teaching videos for kids. My answer is that I have not, since I have always preferred to encourage parents and the local church to provide instruction instead. But these times do create a unique situation, and I have wondered if it would be a service to parents and churches for trustworthy Bible teachers to put some material online.
Jack, can I encourage you to pray about putting something like this together? It could be a huge asset to the church world-wide. We've recently been exposed to some wonderful "hard copy" material for kids put out by the good book company. How invaluable for similar resources in other formats such as videos or apps.
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