Hermeneia Commentary Matthew, three volume set...

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Puritan Board Sophomore
Logos free book of the month is Ullrich Luz's Matthew Commentary.
There are three volumes to this set and if you look hard enough
you will pick the whole thing up for under six dollars.
1st book free, 2nd book 99c, 3rd book $5.00.

I'm aware that the Hermeneia series is notoriously liberal,
But apparently Luz's Matthew is pretty good, according to some older posts by Lane.

You will have to look for the third book separately as logos don't link to it,
And when you do find it, it will come up as "hidden" in the shopping cart.
Thanks! I had picked up the freebie but did not think to do the Vol 2 and Vol 3 pick up. I went back and it worked! GREAT savings!
That's an INCREDIBLE deal on a very expensive set. Luz is extremely helpful on the history of interpretation. He has a separate section on almost every pericope detailing how it has been interpreted in the past. I read through the commentary when I was preaching through Matthew. His own theological views are not conservative, though. He is still helpful on occasion, though, even with regard to his own views.
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