Higher Criticism

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D. Paul

Puritan Board Sophomore
Although I am not familiar with the man (yet), in the AFTERMATH thread Gary North is mentioned, and not favorably. Of course, the AFTERMATH thread deals with The Passion movie, but I have an article by him, The Hoax of Higher Criticism: http://freebooks.entrewave.com/freebooks/docs/a_pdfs/gnhh.pdf

Previous to reading his article, I was reading Canon Dyson Hague The History of Higher Criticism in The Fundamentals Vol. 1 Ch. 1. He gives a compelling review.
Then I came across North and tried to make the connection between these two articles. So...

What is the deal with North (PastorWay is not pleased by him) and what is to be made of this article specifically and Higher Criticism in general?

And has anyone read Canon Hague?
Is your question about Higher Criticism or Gary North in general? From what I have read, North is not favorable towards Higher Criticism.

Higher Criticism is the incarnation of Satan and laid the foundation for the Holocaust.
Thanks, Paul

Originally posted by Paul manata
His book on higher criticism is just fine. It as nothing to do with his views on the Passion. It seeks to undermine the presuppositions which Higher Critics use to launch their attacks.

I didn't mean to imply the connection to The Passion. His name just came up concerning that and I am not familiar with his work enough to know if a red flag should be raised on the HC issue since it's new to me.:o

"Higher Criticism is the incarnation of Satan and laid the foundation for the Holocaust."

What do you mean by this? -this an interesting statement. I 've often wondered about the connection between 19th century German rationalism and what transpired there in the 20th century. I always figured that National Socialism was a judgment of God on the Germanic peoples for their embrace of HC but I never moved much beyond a gut feeling about it.
I go to a school where we are taught to genuflect at the mere mention of Wellhausen and Co. Were it not for the grace of God my faith would have been destroyed by this Satanic invention.

ON the second part of my post:
In one of my history classes we had a local Jewish rabbi (Reformed Judaism) come and lecture on teh Jewish people throughout histoyr. By and large it was a good, well-articulated lecture. WHen he got to the 19 th century he mentioned that Judaism was able, via the methods of German Criticism, to escape from the sever demands of the Torah. They were, he said, able to embrace a relaxation of biblical ethics and free themselves to the opportunities that modernism embraced. The only problem is: if the Jews can accept a neutered bible--a revelation from God that does not address ethics--who is to say that the Germans coulud not do the same thing? Of course, he didn't mention that and to even suggest the possibility is grounds for a hate-crime.
Originally posted by SmokingFlax
Did higher criticism originate within Judaism rather than the church?

If you want to call Wellhausen the church, then yes. Reformed Judaism just applied his methods and reaped the consequences
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