Himself must come in, and be a sacrifice

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Puritanboard Amanuensis
Robert Traill (The Lord's Prayer, John 17:24), Works 2:223:

[Commenting on Hebrews 1:3.]

He by himself purged our sins. His work was about sin and sinners, to purge sin, and to save sinners. Observe the phrase. It is not said, by himself he made the world; but only, that God made all things by him, as verse 2. It is not said, that he by himself upholds all things; but only, he doth it by the word of his power. There is no need of the interposing of himself, or of his person (if I may use the word); his word of command was enough to do both. But when our sins are to be purged, a word of power was not enough: himself must come in, and be a sacrifice; as Heb. 9:26, He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. Nothing less was needful, nothing less craved by God offended by sin, nothing less offered by the Saviour of sinners.
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