His will as the rule of our worship

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Puritanboard Amanuensis
Robert Traill (Stedfast Adherence to the Profession of our Faith), Works 3:245-246:

All the adoration, and worship, and obedience, and service, call them by what name you will, that is now given by Christians, is given at the command of our Lord Jesus. We must take this great High Priest’s will as the rule of our worship. So the Lord hath commanded, is enough for a Christian’s conscience; and where the Lord hath not commanded, no tender conscience will act. Let men talk what they will, let the authority of men, either of churchmen or statesmen, work as they will, if they be in matters of the worship of God, our great High Priest must command it or we dare not do it. It had been a great deal better for the interest of Christ’s church in the earth, if the great High Priest had been better consulted. Consider, says the apostle, the High Priest and Apostle of our profession. How many names hath the Lord Jesus Christ in the word? He is called the Apostle and the High Priest of our profession; he is the Lord our righteousness. We must profess nothing but what he enjoins, believe nothing but what he reveals, do nothing but what he commands.
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