Hispanic/Spanish heroes of the faith

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Puritan Board Freshman
Good day guys, I am hoping for some input by someone here in PB for my research.

Does anyone know of any Hispanic/Latino men or women in the past that have been influences on the Christian Faith (positive) and that can be looked at as heroes?
You might look among the Mayans. That's the main people group where I recall that the Presbyterians were fairly strong.
Juan de Valdés, Spanish Reformer is one of the most well known.

Protestant Spanish Bible translators include Juan Pérez de Pineda, Francisco de Enzinas, Casiodoro de Reina, and Cipriano de Valera.

Valera also translated Calvin's institutes into Spanish.
I found a list here with some more names:

Españoles del siglo 16
  • Juan de Valdés (1509 - 1541)
  • Francisco de San Román (el primer mártir - 1542 o 43)
  • Francisco de Enzinas (1518 - 1552 primer traductor del Nuevo Testamento al castellano)
  • Juan le Quesne (también conocido como Juan Enzinas primer traductor del Salterio al español)
  • Juan Perez de Pineda (c.1490 - 1567 segundo traductor del Nuevo Testamento al castellano)
  • Julián Hernandez (m. 1560)
  • Rodrigo de Valer (1495 - 1545? - 1545)
  • Juan Gil o Dr. Egidius (m. 1556)
  • Dr. Vargas (??-??)
  • Constantine Ponce de la Fuente (1502 - 1560)
  • Cassiodoro de Reina (c.1520 - 1594 Primer traductor de la Biblia entera al castellano)
  • Cypriano de Valera (1532 - 1625 segundo traductor de la Biblia entera con Reina y el traductor de las Instituciones de Juan Calvino)
  • Juan Lizzarago (1506 - 1601 primer traductor del Nuevo Testamento al Vasco o Vizcaya---euskaldunak)
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